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Tanzania Parks


Do not miss out the experience of a lifetime!

Welcome To

7 Days Safari, Tarangire, Manyara, Ngorongoro and Serengeti

This 7-day camping safari allows you to experience the highlights of the Northern Safari Circuit. You will experience breathtaking wildlife in the midst of some of the most diverse landscapes. See monkeys in the forest, lions in trees, elephants amongst acacias and a huge variety of animals inside a collapsed volcano. You will also visit the world famous Serengeti National Park. The landscapes are breathtaking and the variety and volume of wildlife you will see are unforgettable.



Day 1:You will be picked up from the airport by a Lion King representative and conveyed to your accommodation in Arusha. Here you will have your overnight stay, relax, and prepare in anticipation for the adventures to come. Outpost Lodge, is an oasis of calm and aesthetic pleasure.



Tarangire National Park:

In the morning, you will be picked from your accommodation in Arusha by your personal safari guide. The drive to Tarangire is on a good tarmac road, across the gently rolling Maasai plains with scattered acacia trees. En route, you will pass many Maasais in their colourful dress walking on the roadside, riding bicycles, herding their cattle, and driving donkeys carts.
Tarangire is well known for its large elephant herds. From the open roof of the vehicle, you will experience the seasonal swamps, savanna and Tarangire River. You’ll be in search of many animals including zebra, wildebeest, buffalo, elephant and giraffe. It’s possible that you will glimpse lions stalking prey or leopards watching and relaxing in the trees. After an extensive game drive, having experienced the various sights and sounds of the wilderness, you will leave the park and head to a nearby campsite. It is beautifully situated with troops of monkeys about the trees. Here you will enjoy dinner and an overnight stay.


Day 3 – Serengeti: After breakfast, you will continue towards the fertile highlands where wheat, coffee and corn are grown by the Iraqw people. Passing through the Ngorongoro Conservation Area, a crater of unimaginable beauty created some three million years ago with the explosion of a volcano, you will be able to see the breathtaking expanse of the Ngorongoro Caldera. Proceed travelling onwards to the Serengeti National Park or Serenget, ‘Endless Plain’ in Maa, the tongue of the Maasai. You will reach by midday. The Serengeti National Park is the largest park in Tanzania with diverse landscapes and habitats, such as grassy plains, swamps, lakes, savannah and mountains. Here the biggest wildebeest and zebra migration takes place and depending on the season, you may have the opportunity to witness thousands of animals on their search for food and water.
After an extensive game drive, you will drive to your campsite where you will enjoy dinner and an overnight stay.




The entire day is set aside for more game drives in the Serengeti National Park. The Serengeti is the habitat for an abundance of wildlife, such as impalas, buffalo, crocodiles and hippos. However, it is more well-known for its great migrating herds of zebras and wildebeest. The animals’ trek is determined by the rainfall and varies from year to year. In November and December, the animals move from the northern region, dominated by woodlands and hills, to the grassy plains of the south. During the longer rainy season from April to June, they return to the north. Apart from the migrating herds, you might have the chance to see predators, such as leopards, cheetahs and lions, always lurking close by.

After an unforgettable day, you will return to your campsite for dinner and an overnight stay.

Day 5 – Serengeti to Ngorongoro: After an early breakfast, you will head out for another game drive in the Serengeti. You might be able to spot the “Big Five” – lion, elephant, buffalo, rhino and leopard – before embarking on your journey to the Ngorongoro Crater. The animals roam freely through the unfenced reserves offering you an uninterrupted game viewing experience. Arriving at the edge of the crater, you will have your first glimpse of what awaits you the following day – glistening streams, open grassland and an infinite amount of animals. You will spend the night at a campsite directly on the crater’s edge with the orange glow of sunset surrounding you as you drift off to sleep.



Ngorongoro Crater:

Early risers are rewarded with breathtaking views of the rising sun over the crater’s edge and, after a hearty breakfast, you will drive down the adventurous track into the crater. This UNESCO World Heritage Site is one of the seven wonders of Africa and the most incredible ecosystems on earth, formed millions of years ago in the massive explosion of a volcano. It is 610m deep and covers roughly 260 sq km. Due to its dense animal population of approximately 25 000, the crater offers the best game viewing of all the parks in Tanzania. In a matter of minutes, you will be able to see wildebeest, zebras, gazelles, elephants and some of the more than 500 bird species in the area. With a little bit of luck, you might catch a glimpse of the endangered black rhino through the grass.

After lunch, you will ascend the steep walls of the crater and head to your campsite for dinner and an overnight stay.

Day 7 – Manyara: After breakfast, you will drive to your final destination on this epic safari, Lake Manyara National Park. This is a relatively small but diverse park, 120km west of Arusha. The park’s namesake is a shallow, salt lake. It covers a large area of the park, flooding and drying with the seasons and is home to thousands of flamingos and over 500 other bird species. On your exploration of the park, you will see monkeys, giraffes, zebras, wildebeests, buffalo, elephants and with some luck, lions lounging in the trees. The park is known for its various landscapes; not only open grassy plains but also primate-filled woodlands and baobab dotted cliffs.

After extensive game drives through the park, you will head back to Arusha. You will arrive early in the evening, overflowing with images of the African wilds.




The Great Migration




10 Days - Lake Manyara, Serengeti , Ngorongoro Crater and Tarangire